Friday, December 9, 2011

"Vultur Gryphus" Ianbaker1967's photos around Bariloche, Argentina (city edge transect section)

Preview of Ianbaker1967's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator. Entry from: Bariloche, Argentina Entry Title: "Vultur Gryphus" Entry: "Vultur Gryphus I had no idea how serene this was going to be. We arrived at the School House. Once an old derelict school house, the project team here had taken it over, and started to improve it. ie a roof that didn't leek ... too much. A bucket on a rope attached to a hoist on the ceiling to have a shower, with water warmed on the log burner!!!!Window frames made, but no glass...better that way I thought. A kitchen area and wood burner table and chairs. And that was the part that took us away. Until now, we'd eaten where we were. Now we could sit around a table, taste sophistication, have enlightening conversations and a good glass of wine or two by candle light. Yep, the school house was perfect. We had to collect water from the stream, chop wood and oh yes, count condors. We actually did transects here too. But this was beyond beauty. Counting all the birds we saw, Condors, male and female, juveniles too. Turkey Vultures, Black Vultures. Black Chested Buzzard Eagles, Southern Crested Caracara, Red Backed Hawk, Chimango Caracara, Cinerous Harrier, American kestrel, Southern Lapwing and something special ill tell you about later. We learnt them all in Latin, what they looked like and with bins; we walked across some amazing ...

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